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The Interventional Orthobiologics Blog

ACL Surgery Alternative: Imaging Analysis in our New Stem Cell ACL Tear Studies

Can a stem cell injection be an ACL surgery alternative? The ACL is the major stabilizing ligament of the knee. ACL tears are a big deal, especially in young athletes. In women’s soccer, torn knee ACLs seem to be an outright national epidemic. The surgery for this procedure is very invasive and installs a new…read more

Houston We Have a New Ligament: Does the Newly Discovered ALL Ligament Explain Why Some ACL Injuries Can’t Be Fixed?

The ALL Ligament! No single phrase better defines the excitement of my childhood than, “Houston, the Eagle has landed…” Being a kid of the space race age, this was its apogee. I felt like a little kid this this week as I saw a new knee ligament discovered for the first time in more than…read more

ACL Surgery Alternative: New Regenexx-ACL Video

Is getting an ACL surgery a good idea? Should you be looking for an ACL surgery alternative instead?  Explaining difficult topics to patients in simple ways and helping them navigate through all of the truths and untruths out there is always a challenge. We have tried to do this through a series of fun and educational…read more

Avoid ACL Surgery: More Evidence of ACL Healing on MRI without Surgery

Can you avoid ACL surgery by using your own stem cells to heal your knee? I’ve blogged many times before about our new technology whereby we perform an exacting injection of the patient’s own stem cells directly into the torn knee ACL ligament. When we first began this type of therapy, we figured that only…read more

Another Shortened ACL Repair Recovery Time

Given the nature of the surgery, is a shortened ACL repair recovery time possible? First somebody surgically removes the torn ACL and then drills holes in the bone to anchor a replacement ACL (so there is really no repair). You then spend about a month on crutches and then begin a long and protracted rehab…read more

Knee ACL Tear Recovery? Are You Ever the Same After an ACL Surgery?

Almost every patient I have ever met believes that their knee will be the same after surgical ACL tear recovery. The ACL is a major stabilizer of the knee and often injured in sports. Most patients believe that when they injure their ACL ligaments, they can just get a new one-no harm no foul. I’ve already…read more

ACL Surgery Rehab: Does Aggressive PT Make a Difference after ACL Surgery?

Does really aggressive ACL surgery rehab make a difference? As you may know, we’re not big fans of surgery to replace torn knee ACL ligaments. This is because the ligament repair bears no resemblance to the original equipment. In addition, recent research has shown that the chances of injuring the opposite, normal knee go way…read more

ACL Surgery or Not? That tis the Question…

ACL surgery or not? A little Shakespeare this morning on an important issue. Over the past few years we’ve seen MRI evidence of knee ACL healing with stem cell treatment. I’ve blogged on some of these knee ACL images showing improvements with just an injection of stem cells rather than surgery. Yesterday Dr. Schultz showed…read more
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