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The Interventional Orthobiologics Blog

We literally wrote the book on the use of stem cells in Orthopedic injuries…

One of the things that separates us from other clinics is that we constantly strive to publish our work. Last month we published a book chapter on the use of stem cells in orthopedic injuries as part of a medical text by Springer. This week we published a second stem cell book chapter in a medical text…read more

Another Stem Cell Study in Orthopedic Injuries published by our Clinic

We’re one of the only clinics in the United States offering stem cell therapies that has a research department and uses a registry to track patients and publish the results of our patients. To that end, we just published another study as a safety update for Regenexx-C stem cell therapy as well as knee outcome data for severe knee…read more

Interesting NPR Story on the Vatican Stem Cell Conference

NPR has produced an interesting piece on the genesis of the Vatican stem cell conference. It details how the head of the Vatican Pontifical Council on Science and Culture wanted to support adult stem cell science and came up with the idea for a scientific conference sponsored by the church. Dr. Centeno will be leaving this Saturday…read more

Stem Cells and Prolotherapy

Stem cells and prolotherapy? Prolotherapy is an injection technique whereby certain solutions are injected to cause an inflammatory healing response. We’ve used the technique for years to tighten lax ligaments and get rid of tendon related pain. We’ve published research on prolotherapy and based on our experience, this is a great technique that if applied…read more

Another Regenexx Research Paper accepted at the Orthopedic Research Society

We are pleased to announce the acceptance for presentation of another Regenexx Research Paper at the Orthopedic Research Society this coming January. The paper is entitled: Safety and Complications Reporting Update on the Re-Implantation of Culture-Expanded Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using Autologous Platelet Lysate Technique. This is a 4 year study of 339 patients showing that the…read more

Dr. Centeno Stem Cell Chapter on Stem Cell Use in Orthopedic Injury in New Book

Dr. Centeno was recently asked to write a book chapter on the use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in orthopedic injuries for the new medical text, Stem Cells and Cancer Stem cells, Volume 1 (Hayat, Springer 2011). He is listed under chapter 21 – The Use of Mesechymal Stem Cells in Orthopedics. Our clinic is proud…read more

Dr Centeno Speaking at University of Wisconsin Today

Dr Centeno speaking at a regenerative medicine research conference this morning at the University of Wisconsin. He will present Regenexx-C knee/hip arthritis data. This marks the beginning of 4 lectures this quarter on the science behind Regenexx. This will include the University of Pittsburgh Regenerative Rehabilitation conference, the Vatican, and an orthopedics conference in Beijing, China. Dr. Schultz and…read more

Dr. Centeno’s Recently Presented Abstract to be Published in the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr. Centeno presented at an injury trauma congress (IWTC 5) in Lund, Sweden at the University of Lund this past weekend. The submitted abstract on the use of stem cells in cervical facet joint injuries will be published in an upcoming special supplement to the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine.
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